12 December 2011


^_^*  I figured I'd start the "Lollidorable Returns to the Bento Blogopshere" Party with what I was supposed to have posted a month ago...

So here's my 2011 Halloween Special Bento - zombies! Nothing says "Halloween" like hordes of shambling undead and tasty treats, so I got all Mad-Scienist on my kitchen and combined both - with a dash of cute tossed in for good measure - into a "so-gory-it's-cute" edible monstrosity.  o_0

The undead in question are made of rice tinted green via the "Food Dye in the Cooking Water" Method. I was tempted to have their mouths overflowing with grape jelly, as per the standard in all the B-Movie horror flicks, but I thought the flavor would clash with the BBQ chicken zombie brains inside the rice. I ended up using cottage cheese instead. The bones scattered around the plate are carved out of carrot - baby carrots, to be exact, though larger carrots can be used if you wish to re-create this tasty meal. The eyes are cheese, and the pupils and mouths are made of nori. The bit of gore was achieved with ketchup.

All in all, a very simple bento, but very fun visuals. Next year I might try a Plants vs Zombies bento... 

Best Dishes to you,
Lollidorable - your Cute Lunch Lady!

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