15 October 2010


Those of you who see my Husband (and maybe me!) every workday will appreciate the humor in today's bento...  Lookit!  It's us!  That's me, on the right, and Squiggy on the left!  Aren't we just delectable?

Someone dared me to try to make a likeness of him in a lunch - and I just couldn't leave him all on his lonesome.  What kind of wife would I be?

As always, check out the how-to after the jump!

This one was fairly simple - stuffed some onigi with leftover bbq chicken, and laid out some nori for our hair, eyes, and mouths - olives became glasses, and mini-pepperoni became my cheeks.  I put each of our severed heads on a platter of lettuce and trotted right over to the lab!

... on hindsight, I ought to have dribbled a bit of bbq sauce or ketchup under our chins... severed heads and all.


Best Dishes to you,
~Lollidorable, your Cute Lunch Lady

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